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Latest News on Mobile Phone Use in Cars

Dec 2

In recent years, the laws on mobile phone use have become stricter. While hand-free devices are legal, using a mobile phone while driving is illegal. In this article, we'll look at the laws on hand-held use, statistics, and the dangers of multi-tasking while driving.

Hands-free devices still legal

Hands-free devices are still legal in cars - but with a few restrictions. Generally, you can't hold your cell phone while driving, and you can't use headphones that cover both ears. However, you can use hands-free systems, which use a wireless technology called Bluetooth. If you break the law, you may be fined up to £100. However, if you have a hands-free device that you've purchased, the fine is only £50.

Distracted driving is dangerous. Statistics show that 3,000 people die each year in the United States due to distracted driving. Many of these fatalities could have been prevented if drivers avoided using cell phones while driving. That's why most states have passed laws requiring drivers to use hands-free devices while driving.

Penalties for hand-held use

A recent study has found that penalties for hand-held mobile phone use in cars may reduce the number of traffic fatalities. The study used data on fatal crashes per 100,000 licensed drivers in the United States and the number of cellphones in households. The authors found a positive association between cell phone ownership and the number of fatal crashes per month. However, the association did not persist after controlling for other factors. These researchers also examined the association between cell phone ownership and crash rates in different types of weather and road conditions.

The study also found a statistically significant impact of the law in reducing the use of hand-held mobile phones in cars. The study found that the number of drivers using handheld cell phones decreased by more than half in the first year, while drivers using hand-free devices reported an even greater drop.

Dangers of multitasking

Multi-tasking while driving is a common behaviour among drivers, and has several negative consequences. It can cause visual and motoring distractions and decrease a driver's attention. Many studies have found that multi-tasking while driving can also affect a driver's reaction time.

One study found that multi-tasking can increase the risk of accidents. Drivers who multitask while driving are far more likely to make mistakes. This can happen when they're distracted with a mobile phone or other distractions. While multitasking, drivers can make mistakes or make dangerous decisions, which is why drivers should always put the safety of others first.

The dangers of multitasking on mobile phones can have a devastating impact on a driver's safety. A study by the National Traffic Safety Board found that distracted drivers had more accidents than drivers who weren't distracted. The results showed that distracted drivers had a greater chance of misdialing a cell phone and failing to properly scan the road for hazards.


One of the leading causes of traffic accidents is the use of mobile phones while driving. It is also a serious health threat, which is why it is important to reduce such behaviour. Various studies have been conducted to determine the impact of using hand-held mobile phones on driver's safety. In particular, the impact of text messaging and speech-based texting on driver's reaction time have been examined. The study also looked at the relationship between hand-held cellphone use and accident frequency. Drivers who did not use cell phones during the experiment were found to have lower accident rates.

Recent studies have shown that the vast majority of drivers understand the dangers of using cell phones while driving. Some even say they are careful while texting or checking their mobile applications, despite the fact that distracted driving causes more accidents and injuries. According to a survey, 77 percent of teens said that their parents warned them about the dangers of using mobile phones while driving.


Many studies show that using a mobile phone while driving increases the risk of traffic accidents. In 2015, 4.7 billion people worldwide used mobile phones, and that number is expected to rise to 5.6 billion by 2020. Developing telecommunications technology has also increased the use of mobile phones by drivers.

However, not all mobile phones are compatible with the Android Auto platform. Although the system has many benefits, some drivers find it difficult to use while driving. One such alternative is a third-party application that disables the phone while in motion. This technology works by attaching a small module to the emergency brake or the on-board diagnostics module of the car. It also uses Bluetooth technology to enable text-to-speech and all-voice capabilities.